Monday, June 1, 2009

magazine article pt15 last one i hope:)

What did you learn?

I learned that drafting and revision is a very useful tool to use. Each school year I hear my teachers say always do multiple drafts, always let a numerous amount of people critique your writing to get different perspectives. Now that we are actually letting other people outside our school read it and publish our writing I see how important drafting and revision is important. As we got a chance to get our writing back from publishers to see our mistakes we saw that we still had some touching up to and if wasn't for drafting and revision it would have been out there for all the world to see. I also learned in the job field it is not easy to please everybody even if your thinking your doing a good job your in for big surprise initiative is a new word I had to learn during this whole project.

How did you learn it?

I learned this by looking through my classmates writing pieces and even my own paper. I had to go through numerous drafts before I got to where I am right now. I learned I had to get different perspectives to see where I was in my writing. By learning how to ask other people to look at my writing I was taking the initiative of ask people to look at my writing and to give me advice as to where I should go from there.

Why is this important?
I think drafting and revision and taking initiative is very important especially in the world of writing and publishing and in the job field. You would want your published magazine field with noticeable mistakes that could have been eliminated if you just would had people looking at it

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