Friday, December 19, 2008

semester reflction part 2

what I am most proud of for my H2o project was that I was able to produce a informative video. I don't know much about making video's I made a music video for multi-media class but it was of you can do and say anything you just had to make it your own. With this project we had to make it informative and it had to make a clear message. It was a lot harder than I expected, i was expecting to be a lot easier since I used the final-cut pro program but was not. The program was a lot harder maybe because when I used it I was in multi media class so I was able to ask help. i ended up using i-movie and helped a lot and was able to finish the video.

I plan on improving my writing, you could never stop improving your writing skills. What I need to improve about my writing is writing research papers. I have trouble writing long research papers and I think I should work on that. I think I should work on turning stuff on time because late work adds up and in the end your grade ends up suffering. It also doesn't help when you get in the working field no one likes someone who is always turning in stuff late.

A personal strength That I have would be writing blogs, I do a good job writing blogs because I can speak my mind by writing it on a blog especially if I don't want to talk. I can use writing to writing research papers. Writing blogs and research papers isn't that different from each. I can use my strength of writing blogs to write other papers I need to write.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my ownership reflection

One thing I am proud of is my blogs; we started blogs in the beginning of the year. Since I didn't know much about blogs I started off really slow because I didn't understand what I had to do. As time progressed and I looked at other peoples blogs I started to get ideas from other people. My blogs got better each time and you can see the progression from when I first started to now. The process didn’t take a long time because I caught on very quickly to what we were supposed to do with the blogs. We had a question that the teacher would give find a news article that has to do with the question, and then write about what you feel about the article and how it relates to the question. I think my best blog entry was “We can change: school segregation past, present and future” I feel that I thought carefully about this blog entry and I did a lot of research on subject before I started to write about it. First did not like blogging but now that I understand it more I actually think it is fun because you get to speak your mind and other people can learn things just by looking at your blogs.

Another project I am proud of is my H2O project. For my H2o project I decided to do a video. It took me a very long time to come to where I am today with my video, I had a lot of problems and I was struggling with it to but finally it came out good and I am very proud of my end product. What I had to do was pick a specific topic to talk about and I decided to talk about how pollution in the San Diego Bay affects the sea turtles. I got interviews from experts on the subject and I also got interviews from people who knew a little on the subject. I learned a lot working on this project, one thing I learned was never ever do a video unless you are a expert at it if you’re not then you might struggle and if you do I prefer you to use i-movie or windows movie maker, if you have not used final-cut pro a day in your life don’t use it just a little advice from someone who knows from experience. Overall I like how my final product came out and hopefully if I am forced to do a video I will be more prepared for things and it will come out better every time I use the programs.

my video is not up yet but here is a link to other peoples

Thursday, December 4, 2008

If hunting whales is wrong I dont want to be right

Is Hunting whales wrong?

Well I think it is all opinionated, my opinion is that it is wrong because I don't see why we would need to hunt them, and if it is just for a hobby then that is definitely not a good enough excuse to hunt them. In a article by Raffi Khatchadourian called Neptune's Navy it talks about an organization called Sea Shepherd Conservation Society founded by Paul Watson thirty years ago to stop boats from hunting whales. Watson's special attack is ramming his boat into another, which he says he plans on doing to the Japanese.

This in a way is wrong because you are trying to save an animal but you are putting humans in danger just because you are trying to prove a point. On the other side of the story though, Whales deserve to live and they should not have to be hunted as brutally as they being done. I think the hunters see it as a hobby which is not a good enough reason to hunt them, look at it this way some people see killing as a hobby does it make it right? No it doesn't so they shouldn't kill any animal for no reason.

In a quote on the second page, second paragraph of this article, it says

"Watson believes that whales are more intelligent than people, and their slaughter is tantamount to murder.(He once compared their extermination to the Holocaust.)"

I do agree with him on it being just the same as murder, but I do not agree that it is anything close to the Holocaust and is wrong to even compare the two. It is estimated to be around 11 million people who died in the holocaust and of those 11 million 2.5 of those were children. Dieing whales are sad, but innocent children dieing before they could even walk is even more sad, MY OPINION about comparing the holocaust to whale hunting is that isVERY LUDICROUS.

I think Paul Watson is taking it to far with the whole whale hunting to thing in the first place. He Ramming other ships people's life's endanger, is not that considered attempted murdered? maybe i don't know but if your trying to knock someone's boat over and hypethetically speaking the boat tips over killing them couldn't you go to jail for that, just for try to save whales, when if that did happen that would add to the problem of endangered whales, right.

Going back to my first question and the Question of who is wrong, the whale saver or the whale hunter, well I think both of them are wrong because killing the whales is wrong and trying to tip someone's boat over is just as bad.

(i mean i just find it funny that he is trying to tip someone's boat over lol)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What we identify ourselves as

In this article it talks about breaking the race line and not just categorizing people in one group. Marie Arana's Washington first example she used was Barack Obama. She said "He is not black," "unless the one-drop rule still applies. I do agree that Obama isn't fully black but if that's what he identify himself as than that's what matters. So I guess she is right about the right term to call him would be the first bi-racial president or in other words the first with some color.

She also use examples of people in the media like Halle Berry, Ne-Yo,Mariah Carey.... that are bi-racial and she even put in a quote by Langston Hughes, "I am not black. There are different kinds of blood in our family.But here in the United States, the word 'Negro' is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins...I am Brown. I also see myself saying I am not black I am brown sometimes as joke, I am not black I am a brown color or African American. Langston Hughes was too Biracial he was half black and Native American, and I guess what that quote means is that he identifies himself as not just black but his other race too.

Then she puts her own life experiences like when she went to take a DNA test and found she had other races in a her blood line. When she took the DNA test Indo-European, Black, East Asian, and Native American. What she said that no not fully one race that somewhere down the line you have a multiracial background. I also agree with her in saying that if trace back five or more generations that we have other cultures in are family tree, because I to have some Native American and other races that are in my family if I trace back to five generations but I would refer myself to be Native American because both of my parents are black. So I think that would only go for people who have two parents of different races.

So the question should "Isn't it time for the language to move on?" I think it depends, because if Both of your parents are one race and their parents are one race and their parents are one race then whatever race they are that is what you are. It would be different If your mother was of the Asian decent and your farther was of the Latino decent because then you would refer to yourself as the trait you look more like or you could say you are biracial.

I also think whatever is on your birth certificate then you could also refer to that. So going back to the whole article saying Obama is not the first black president, if keep going back far in generations and find we had other races in our family tree will we ever have a fully raced president?

Friday, November 21, 2008

their eyes were watching God

Their eyes were watching God tells a story about a woman by the name of Janie living in a world where she was told what to do. She was raised by her Grandmother who she called Nanny because her parents were not around. By the age of 16 she was forced to marry an older man and had 2 other marriages after that. This book has many literary devices, the three that stood out to my as important to the story was Tone of the character, Setting and theme. These three literary devices can help you understand the story better. The tone of the character, the main character of this story is Janie Crawford she is described as a beautiful, black woman, with long straight hair like of a Caucasian, because she was mixed. The tone of her character was a strong independent women who just wanted someone to treat her equally not just as a women. Another character in this story is Tea cake he is Janie's last husband, Janie finally finds true love in him because he is the only man that treats her with respect and allows her to be herself. Tea Cake is a charming guy with a good personality. Another literary device is setting, takes place in Eatonville, Florida, back when places were still getting discovered. You can tell by the language of the characters that this was in the south, in past tense, probably some where around the early twentieth century. The last literary device is the theme of the story, which is love. Janie's quest for love starts off when her grandma gives her away to marry a man by the name of Logan Killicks she was told that when you were married you were to love them but as her gets older she finds out that this is not the case. It is not till she meets Tea Cake that she she is truly happy with life and she finally finds her true soul mate. This is the most important literary device because this is what the whole story is about and without understanding that you will not understand the book. Even though there were many literary devices these were the most important ones I thought stood out . This is a good book about love,independence and finding the real you I would recommend this book to anyone.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

what am i thankful for/things i am doing for my project

I am most thankful for having a home because not everyone is fortunate to have one to live in. We take the small things that we have for granted everyone who does have a house to live in have a lot to be thankful for because there are a lot of people who wish they were in your shoes write now but they cant because of previous problems. So I am thankful for a house to live in. I am also very thankful for all my family and friends because without them life wouldn't be the same.

Some things I plan on doing over the break is to
bring in another draft of my writing

A more detailed story board

Try to schedule interviews

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

my beach project

What I am discovering about this project is that it is harder than it seems, there is a lot of wor needed to be done. I am planning on doing a video and finding people to interview, it very hard because when you call them they're either not there or they're not answering their phones, which is cutting into my video time. Once I get all my interviews it will be easier for me and I will have a good product. Some surprising things that I found out about this project is how dirty the beach water is. I did not realize how unclean it was until I researched and actually test the bacteria levels in the ocean. I also found out that plastic holders from cans and bottles get into the ocean and when sea turtles swim through them and because of that it affects how their shell is when it is fully developed. I also found out when interviewing random people at diferent places they usually do not want to help. Which was surprising to me because I would want to help some one with their project if they ask. My next steps to make this a better project is to continue editing what footage I do have for my video so I can make it educational with a good meaning and also entertaining so people would want to actually watch it. For my writing I would like to continue to get critiques manily from teaches so I could get a better critique and end up with a better paper. Like the video below I would like to make a ponit not show to much info just enough or else people will get easily bored by it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

our next president

We just recently elected our first African-American president. I for one am happy for the outcome. African -Americans n the past have went through alot and even though it has gotten better they still are. Electing a African -American president just made it alot better. I hope he lives up to his promises because alot of people are counting on him to change our would like he promised because our ecomony is looking pretty bad right and right now we really need a good president to look foward too. I am looking foraward for him to make America a little better than it used to be and if he lives up to his promises he will be a great president. My knowledge on current events and political evens have gotten better because I really was not interested in politics. Even though I am still not that interested in politics I was able to understand what was going on during the voting process because of the decusssions we were having in class. It also help that we had blogs to do because we had to search the internet to find the information needed and since we had to research it, it gave us a better chanch of understand what was going on. As for current events I think current events are more interesting to write about and also alot easier to seach for, I lie currents a little more now and I understanding whats going on what makes it more interesting to talk about.

my ideas for my beach project

Some ideas me and my partner are thinking about is making a awareness t-shirt about marine life, the website I went to had plenty of good ideas me and my partner could use (click on this link to see them) the shirt would state a good purpose about sea turtles so people will be aware of what is happening to them. Three aspects of the product we want is we want it to send a message, something people would actually wear and something that is not too hard to do. Since my project is on a specific species of marine life, and I want to focus on sea turtles in the San Diego bay some of my ideas for the shirt is to have a after affect of a turtle that is affected by plastic and it saying, "help me save me and friends and family." It's going to be a very easy design with a message somewhat like the one above.

Another idea would to make a awareness video quite like this one about sea turtle and how we could help stop it. I like this video because it scared me so bad and it made me want to help and that's what I want my viewers to do I want my viewers to be so scared that they want to help. three aspects I want is it to be nice simple video explaining what happens and the shirts me and my partner will be making, and it send a good message.


Monday, November 10, 2008

when women got the right to vote

Well recently we have just watch the most historical presidential debates in history. We just elected the first African-American man. Without the votes of blacks,youth and of course women we probably would not have had such a unanimous vote. As we all should know not every group of people were allowed to vote,each group got their right to vote in different times. Women all across the globe were not fully allowed to vote until the 19th amendment, but it took some countries and states longer to catch on to women's rights, according to this website i found called women's suffrage: when did women vote these places all got rights in different years. Here are a list of years where places got there right to vote

California women got the right to vote in 1911

Washington State women got the right to vote in 1910

New York women got the right to vote in 1917

Michigan women got the right to vote in 1918.
Tennessee becomes the 36th state to accept the 19th Amendment in 1920 and which made their vote part of the Constitution.

New Jersey gives the right to vote for women owning more than $250 in 1776. Later the state reconsidered and women were no longer allowed to vote.

Brazil women was allowed to vote in 1934

Dominican Rep. of Congo gave women the right to vote in 1963.

Australian women gained some voting rights in 1901 and 1902

New Zealand was the first country to grant equal voting rights to women in 1893.

China women were given the right to vote in 1949.

and Spain gave women the right to vote in 1931.

Even though it took that long us women have came a long way. We almost had a women president or vice-president. In a article called U.S. women in politics score gains despite White House losses it said that in the nations popular vote, women gave Obama a dominant verge, with a 56 percent to 43 percent while men were about even. So i think women are really taking advantage of their rights that they didn't have before which is good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How are sea turtles affected by cigar buds

The topic I am doing is How does cigar buds effect the sea turtles in San Diego bay? Me and Amanda are working together to create a calender and awareness video about what happens to sea turtles when the plastic enters the ocean. We are planning on going Mission beach and The Birch Aquarium and interviewing different people and hear their opinions about it, while taking pictures of sea turtles and sea turtles that have been affected by the plastic debris in the ocean.
Some resources needed are camera gear to interview and take pictures, a recorder to do voice overs for certain people. Computers to put all our info together. We basically need people from the birch aquarium to interview and different people on the beach?

Birch aquarium
some questions we are thinking of asking
Why does plastic effect the way their shell looks?
How many eggs does a turtle lay in one session?
how many different species of turtles are there?/How many are endangered?
How many species of turtles die because of plastic debris every year?
How long does it take for the turtle to get fully affected by plastic debris?

San Diego
What do you do when your done with your plastic debris?
Why do plastic debris end up in the

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A how trash pollutes the ocean

In are humanities and biology class we are learning about how clean are beaches are and how we can help it. One of my questions i am curious about is "How is trash on the beach effecting the ocean?" One website I looked at it gave some statistics about how much plastic bottles and other items are found in the ocean it said "the average American uses between 300 and 700 plastic bags every year." When people do not throw away their trash ends up on the beaches and into the ocean causing sea animal to mistakenly see them as food and eating it. Another website that talks about trash and pollution is pollution of the ocean by plastic and trash this website explains that fishing nets that get lost in ocean end up killing marine animals a process called "ghost fishing" and items that were for for fishing become traps for other animal.

Another question I am exploring is How dogs effect the beach. An article I was reading called Dog waste poses threat to water. Well it looks it does play a big role about how the oceans beaches are effected. Since most dog owners don't pick up their dogs mess it gets washed up into the ocean causing the oceans to be contaminated. Washed up fertilizer is also to blame for contaminated oceans and beaches.

This is just a few things i will be talking about, I will update some stuff in the upcoming weeks so feel free to come by and check it out.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The kite runner honors blog

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini was a mesmerizing story about two boys from Afghanistan that though they were friends they were from two different worlds. Living there whole life as a secret this book tells the story about these two boys Amir and Hassan, using loyalty, symbols and flashbacks to help you understand their story better.

This book shows many literary devices to help better understand the book symbols, flashbacks, and conflict/tragedy.

The symbol in this story was the kite . The kite was a symbol used very often in this story "kite running" was a big deal in afghanistan it was their national sport. Amir and Hassan took place in this sport quite often. There were two people for one kite, one person was the kite runner the other was the kite cutter. The object of the sport was to cut down your oppents kite last one standing wins. Amir and Hassan took place in this sport quite often. This made Baba, Amir's father very happy and Amir would do anything to make his farther proud. So the kite in this story represents "a trophy" cause without it Amir felt he didnt have his farthers approval.

Another theme used in the book was the use of flashbacks, the author would it to flashback to different parts of the story like when Amir went looking for Hassan to find that he had been cornered by assef, " Hassan hurled the rock. It struck Assef in the forehead. Assef Yelped as he flung himself at Hassan, knocking him to the ground"....A memory " Did you know Hassan and you fed from the same breast? Did you know that Amir agha? Sakina, her was.... there are plenty examples of flashbacks in this book but that was just one that started the whole conflict of the story.

One of the most important themes in this story was conflict and tragedy. The conflict and tragedy of this story was with Amir, Hassan, Baba, and Assef. Assef was one of the main people causing conflict in the story but the main conflict that changed the rest of the story was when after Hassan and Amir won the "kite running" contest he followed the kite to see where it had landed. While getting there he runs into assef and his crew. Assef gave Hassan an ultimatum either give him the kite or suffer the consoquences. Being the loyal friend that he was he didn't give them the kite cause he knew how much the kite meant to Amir. Amir not to far behind witnessed the whole thing not doing anything to stop them from hurting Hassan, he kept quite about it just to make his farther proud, this was the betrayal that hurt their relationship. After that Hasssan never smiled again. At the end of the story Assef comes back in the scence as Amir goes back to Afganistan to rescue Hassan son after Hassan and his wife get killed. Another tragedy in the book was when Hassan and his father left out of Baba's house, after the whole incident that happen with Hassan and Assef, another betrayal from Amir was he planted a watch under Hassan's pillow so it would seem like it was stolen. Not knowing he was doing this to his brother he felt bad later on, Because after that he never saw him alive again. He never got to tell him he was sorry for everything, so he triedvto make it up by saving his son from Assef.

Although there were more litererary devices these are the ones that stood out to me as important aspects of the storyand if you do deceide to read this book I hope you enjoy it. as advice i would recomend you read the book then you can watch the movie because the movie leaves out things that you would know was in the book.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is ACORN

What is ACORN?

What my understanding of ACORN is, ACORN is a nonprofit group that supports low income people getting them interested in voting. In a particular article I read called The Acorn Story John McCain's campaign accused them of committing voter fraud in which they purposely submitted false registration forms, with fictional names and some with voters who were already registered.
Barack Obama strayed away from the ACORN associations but also displayed the insignificant of the fraud controversy that has troubled the organization in recent days. Obama stated "My relationship to ACORN is pretty straightforward.... "We've got the best voter registration and turnout and volunteer operation in politics right now and we don't need Acorn's help."
In a Baltimore meeting organized by William Cole a represented from Baltimore scheduled a meeting to address concerns of low-income tenants whose company, Edgewood Management, has been unresponsive to their requests to address neglected unfair evictions and threats of eviction. To some people acorn is good programing helping others but some people seem to think other wise. so what is ACORN? if you know comment back because even reading these articles I'm still confused.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the presidential canidates

first i would like to point out that i did not know that there are other presidential candidates running for president. these candidates are neither republican nor Democratic. Although I doubt that one of them to win because the strong candidates are Barack Obama and John McCain but I guess you never really know whats going to happen.

In the presidential debate between Obama and McCain there are several issues one in which is the issue of abortion. On Washington's Post website they talk about Obama and McCain's thought on the issue of abortion. The Website article was by By Shan Carter, Jonathan Ellis, Farhana Hossain and Alan McLean. Barack Obama supports the Roe vs. Wade case and doesn't like the fact that the Supreme Court decided to uphold the ban on partial birth abortions. John McCain wants to override Roe v. Wade, and has supported the case in the past; he for one supported the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the ban on partial-birth abortions. Years before abortion itself was not as big of an issue as it is now probably because not that many people were having but now since it is the next president whomever it shall be they will have to take care of that issue.

As far as the vice presidential candidates Palin I felt that Palin was very comfortable when she debates although she does answer the questions giving she was intimidated by her male competitor which is very good on her part. As for Joe Biden I think he would make a good vice president because when he debates he feels very strongly about the topic and he answers the question when asked and doesn't tr to change the subject because he doesn't know the answer.

presidential caculator who would you vote for

Monday, October 20, 2008

the power of the internet

An article I read called Democracy and the Web talks about us and how we take for granted how we can use the Internet for a lot of things that we need. they are talking about how it could change because of a new bill A new “net neutrality” bill has been brought up in the House, which would stop this content discrimination. I.S.P.’s, the company that connects people to the Internet, realize that they could make a lot of money by charging some Web sites to have their web page load faster than that of other sites. Making other websites “slow lanes” and out of the competition

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Lincoln Douglas reflection

This Project, I would have to say was not my best project; I felt that me and my group members could have done a better job had we not waited to the last minute. We did not communicate very well because most of the time there were arguments about how the paper should be. Some group members did not agree with how the paper turned out, I think that if we had more time on the project we would have had better communication but since we didn’t one person worked on the layout and design while other group members just sat around looking for stuff to do. The reason for that could be for that reason of trying to make the due date we all were worried about turning it in on time we missed simple mistakes that could have been fixed if only we had multiple drafts and had people revise them and critique or errors. The first day we assigned the project it seemed like we were all prepared we gave ourselves things to do for homework like bringing in articles about the Lincoln- Douglas debate.

On October 8th 2008 I read the debate I found on a website that had the 7th debate with Lincoln and Douglas. I had found the article the night before for homework, so the next day when I skimed through it, I could write a rough draft when I got home of how my article would look. Then the next day I wrote some notes that Randy put on the board of how the newspaper should look. I should have a Lede, a quote and a transition sentence. When I looked at my notes and looked at my paper I knew I had some more to add. As we got all of our articles together our next step was to add pictures and captions to our newspaper. We looked up pictures of the Lincoln and Douglas debate and for once we all agreed on something. We had enough room to add another element to our newspaper.

I decided to write a funny short advice column that I thought would make a good addition to our newspaper to make it sound more interesting. I was sad that we did not go with that although I thought we should, we ended up going with an advertisement that went well with the flow of the newspaper so all’s well that ends well. Overall something I could improve on would have to be my article about the Dred Scott case.

If I reviewed my work and had others read over it I think it would have been a whole lot better entry. It would have had less errors and I could have gotten feedback on more things like, stuff that I needed to add to make my essay flow better. If I could change something about this project I would change me being assertive in putting my ideas out there I had a lot of good ideas but since I was not aggressive enough none of them were heard.

The truth about "honest Abe"

We all know about Abraham Lincoln, 16th president, born in log cabin, "four scores and seven years ago, and all that other good stuff. My image of Abe Lincoln in elementary school was that he freed the slaves and was caring person. I liked Abe Lincoln, but I guess they left out some details about how Abraham Lincoln really thought. I later found out in a article about Abe Lincoln that Lincoln had a dark side. He supported physically removing blacks from the U.S and taking away the right of voting, being involved in politics and juries and even marrying a white person. So why is it that if Lincoln didn't really care about blacks why did they make him such a savior of the slaves in history books when in reality he didn't really care about them? When a comment was made to Lincoln "if slavery mattered" Lincoln responded in such words that "I will be damned if I don't feel almost sorry for being elected when the n***ers is the first thing I have to attend to." When this appalling comment was heard it was not a surprise according to the article I read "Did Lincoln really Free the slaves" that it was how he always thought, he never showed any pure emotions for Blacks and his posies were not at all astonished.

So was Honest Abe as honest as we all thought ? My opinion is No absolutely not I was deceived for years to think that he was honest and caring when the truth is he didn't, conned his way into making us think he cared but as soon as he became president the truth came out.

So why did John Wilkes Booth kill Lincoln? Maybe he knew something about Lincoln that no one else knew. My image was the reason why Booth killed Abe was because he hated the fact that Lincoln liked the blacks but since that was totally wrong I do not know what to believe.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

debates then and now

The last debate between Lincoln and Douglas, was a very long debate as for all the rest of them were. I honestly cant see how some one could debate about something for more than three hours let along sit and listen to it, I know I wouldn't be able to, but something as important as slavery I can see why. Lincoln was not for slavery saying, "U.S could not survive as a nation of half slave and half free states". I agree with this quote because if we were such a great country we shouldn't be spilt up we should all have the same rights, the south shouldn't be all slaves and the north be free, it should either be one or the other.

The difference between debates then and debates now is, the debates are not as long as they were in 1858, when Lincoln and Douglas did their last debate about slavery. It more interesting to sit in a debate that only took an hour then it is to sit in a debate that took three or more. Of course the debates probably meant more to the people back then when now its more like bashing your opponent with their words.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Questions I have about demographics in San Diego is why is it that the white race dominant in rich ares as you may but in the so call not so rich places the dominant race is either black, and Mexicans. In my are code 92114 it is not a poor are but you don't see as many nice houses like you would see in 92106 or 90210. The dominant race in 92114 is Hispanic/Latino then African American, then Asian and so on and so forth.


Black or African American

American Indian and Alaska Native


Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

In 92106 the dominant race is white why is that?


Black or African American

American Indian and Alaska Native


Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander

Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

A big issue that might determine the impact of the election would probably be gay marriages. Whoever stands for this would most likely get a big percentage of homosexual voters giving them a little boost when election day comes around. Legalizing gay marriages and abortions is real big issue that voters are looking at especially abortions whoever stands for legalizing abortion would also get a pretty good percentage of women voters who agree but people who don't they would go for the candidate who opposes abortion.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

we can change: school segregation past present and future

School segregation past, present, and future

School segregation was an issue after the civil war, they concluded that “separate but equal has no place” in schools, now a days is school segregation natural.

The 1950’s was a time where there was a lot of racial segregation. Especially in the school systems, where there was an all black school and an all white school. This was a bad thing because the way the school system was, the white school got a better education then the blacks. Of course, over the years we have strayed away from this way of living, or have?

In late 1949, a group of parents called the “Consolidated Parents Anacostia Group” from Washington, DC made a suggestion to the “Board of Education of the District of Columbia” for a new junior high school called John Phillip Sousa Junior High as an integrated school. The school rejected there request and the school was released as a white school only. In 1950, they tried to admit 11 African American boys into the school, but again were denied. This time they took the case to court. They called the case Bolling vs. Sharpe, it ruled out that racial segregation in the District of Colombian schools was not legal under the Constitution.

“School segregation is unconstitutional”

I think we can all agree to the statement above that school segregation is unconstitutional it states in the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”. Blacks did not have there civil rights yet so that could be one reason why, but to learn more about civil you should go to Amanda Alipio's blog. So why is it that the declaration of Independence was written in 1775 and they wrote that all men are created equal, that the school system did’t see that segregating races in schools was not letting all men be created equally. In a excerpt by Earl Warren he writes “ the plaintiffs contended that segregated public schools are not equal and cannot be made equal, and that hence they are deprived of the equal protection of the laws.”

Why is Segregating school bad?
So why is segregating schools a bad thing? It was a bad thing because it deprived the blacks of getting a good education they did not get the same learning experience as the white children. The black kids had to work in a shack that had the capacity of only 120. The building held first, fourth and fifth grades. The second and third graders used a building close by. This building had capacity of 40. The building usually had no indoor plumbing, no windows, no steam, water, or heat. Of course, the white schools had these things.

Is school segregation natural now?

As I said in a previous blog schools are starting to becoming naturally segregated, why is that? Static’s show that in 1991, 39% of black students in Southern states attended schools that were majority white; in 2003, only 29% did. In Kentucky, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland, Missouri, and Oklahoma, 69% of black students attended majority non-white schools in 2003, in 1991 only 59% did. I think the reason for this is that races seem to be comfortable with their own race.

Can we stop this from continuing?

Yes I personally think we can, High Tech high is a good example our school has a good mixture of just about every race. If other schools start to follow the same thing than the schools will not be just predominately, one race if we do not then the statistics will get lower and lower as Barack Obama would say “yes we can

where i got my info from

"Amanda." Amanda. 3 Oct. 2008

"Bolling v. Sharpe - Further Readings." Law Library - American Law and Legal Information. 3 Oct. 2008

"Jasmine's Humanities blogs." Jasmine's Humanities blogs. 3 Oct. 2008

Images of Schools, 1961-1963 - Separate but Not Equal: Race, Education, and Prince Edward County, Virginia." VCU Libraries. 3 Oct. 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Are we going back 1951?

Brown vs Board of education started when a dad tried to enroll his daughter in white elementary school because it was in her neighborhood but was denied. She had to walk for miles everyday just to get to the nearest school. When the NAACP heard about this they were glad to help them. The brown's case was heard by the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas. It took four years but finally law was passed about segregation had no place in public schools. By the time the law was passed the little girl, Linda brown was in middle school.

An article I read called Segregation is back in class by Annette Fuentes on 3/13/2007 was about an article that is similar to brown vs. the board of education, it talks about how segragation in schools is still going on and we havent even noticed it. They showed different statistics about how In 1991, the southern states had 39% of black students who attend schools that were majority white, but in 2003 there were only 29% black students who attended majority white schools. This passage from the article says "In Arkansas, home to the historic integration effort, the percentage of white students in schools attended by black students decreased by 8 points from 1991 to 2003. In Kentucky, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland, Missouri and Oklahoma, 69% of black students attended majority non-white schools in 2003; in 1991, only 59% did."
My question is are we going back to 1951 where schools where segregated? only time will tell what will happen next.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


what will you improve during future blogs? Why? How?

how I will improve my writing is i will find more information about it and put in details what I think about I will put more thought in to it. I will put more pictures describing what the article is talking about and I will put more videos so my article will sound more interesting.

What are you most proud of on your blog?

I am proud of how I found the articles they were actually interesting to read about. I found out that I usually would not go online and research different articles about politics and issues around the world i am usually not interested in that stuff but If I have to write about i might as well be interested in it the one stuck out to me the most was the one about Obama wanting to make a bill saying that kindergartner's should learn sex-ed because it stuck out to me the most as interesting.

How has blogging help me see the world differently

Blogging helped me alot,like i said before normally I wouldn't be looking up aritcles about politics, and things that happen around the world, so for me to do that and actually be interested in it, it opened my mind to see it in a new way

Thursday, September 18, 2008

sex educated kindergartner's

An article called Off Base on Sex Ed was posted on September 10, 2008 this article talks about Obama and his bill to teach sex-ed at an age appropriate understanding for kindergartner's.
The McCain and Palin campaign ad claims that one of Obama's accomplishments was for the "legislation to teach a broad sex education to kindergartner's." According to the article I read this claim was false , "it dates back to Alan Keyes' failed race against Obama for an open Senate seat in 2004". Which clearly Obama did not mean, the bill was meant for them to teach "age appropriate"sex-ed and have a no questions asked parent agreement, and even though the bill never left the Senate this was not his accomplishment any ways. what I feel about teaching sex-ed to kindergartner's is that they are really to young to learn about something like that and that if anybody should teach them about it should be the parent themselves because if I had children and they were only 4-5 years of age i wouldn't wont the school to teach them I would want myself to so really hard to see that, that bill would come into place and that only a few would probably agree to it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Day the stock market crashed edited on sept 25

A article I read called Collapse of Lehman Brothers, sale of Merrill Lynch shakes stock market published on Monday, September 15, 2008 was about Lehman Brothers and how their business is not doing well. Well as we already know the Lehman Brothers Company isn't doing so well and they filed the biggest bankruptcy in American history. The Lehman Brothers, has been around since the Civil War and has surpassed the Great Depression .Another bank in debt, Merrill Lynch, fled into the arms of Bank of America. I feel really bad for theses companies but most of the people who have their money in those banks cause they are probably really hurting from it. My advice to the government is for them to help the companies the best way they can so it can get out of the deep hole that their in. Another recent business in trouble is AIG. I think if the government does not step in and help businesses with there finacial problems more and more bussiness will start to fell and it is sad because theses are major companies that are failing.

A task from God

An article I read called Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God by GENE JOHNSON, posted on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 was about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin telling kids at her former church that the U.S sent troops were set to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God." she also asked the students to pray for the troops in Iraq, and that her eldest son, was supposed to be deployed there. "Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan." my question was what she meant by a task from God and where she got this whole idea of this being a plan of God, but as i read on and people's comments on it, it seems to be some missing words instead of it saying she said "Pray that our national leaders are sending (our troops) on a task that is from God." like she said in the video below the article said she said that the war was an act of God which was the total opposite of what she said. So this article stood out to me because its funny how people just twist words around. look at the video below

Life, Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness

Life, Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness

An article I read called “Life, Liberty , Canada ” by Felicia Ackerman on September 29, 2003 was a short article but it stood out to me. In this article, it was talking about how Canada is doing a better job at follow our state “Life, Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness. They have national health care and legalized gay marriages. Now I am not for gay marriages but it does say in declaration of independence people right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and we are trying to base our country on these standards. I am not saying we change that marriage should be between a man and a women because that is what country is based on. Now about the health care I think we should follow the Canadians example and get better health care for people who cant afford it, because I don’t think its fair just because not as rich as others that you don’t get as good as an health care.

Spiritual enlightenment in Cambodia

Spiritual enlightenment in Cambodia
This article I read was called “Aussie finds spiritual enlightenment with Cambodia's poor” based on a report by Karen Percy for Correspondents Report Posted Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:00am AEST and Updated Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:09am AEST. What I got out of this was that even though Cambodia is going through a tough time that still felt the need to help someone else in a different country.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ron paul federalist?

An article I read called Ron Paul:America's Last Federalist? was written by L. Vincent Poupard and was published on June 12,2007. In this article it talked about Ron Paul and his opinions. It states in this article that Ron Paul has been spending his entire campaign pointing out that the United States has just about given up on the Constitution and that the Nation needs to go back to the Constitution, to make the Nation strong again. He believes that the main reason why the Nation has seen so many hardships in the past is because we have drifted away from the Constitution. In a way I do agree about us going back to the constitution because we wrote for a reason but thats just my opinion.