Friday, December 19, 2008

semester reflction part 2

what I am most proud of for my H2o project was that I was able to produce a informative video. I don't know much about making video's I made a music video for multi-media class but it was of you can do and say anything you just had to make it your own. With this project we had to make it informative and it had to make a clear message. It was a lot harder than I expected, i was expecting to be a lot easier since I used the final-cut pro program but was not. The program was a lot harder maybe because when I used it I was in multi media class so I was able to ask help. i ended up using i-movie and helped a lot and was able to finish the video.

I plan on improving my writing, you could never stop improving your writing skills. What I need to improve about my writing is writing research papers. I have trouble writing long research papers and I think I should work on that. I think I should work on turning stuff on time because late work adds up and in the end your grade ends up suffering. It also doesn't help when you get in the working field no one likes someone who is always turning in stuff late.

A personal strength That I have would be writing blogs, I do a good job writing blogs because I can speak my mind by writing it on a blog especially if I don't want to talk. I can use writing to writing research papers. Writing blogs and research papers isn't that different from each. I can use my strength of writing blogs to write other papers I need to write.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my ownership reflection

One thing I am proud of is my blogs; we started blogs in the beginning of the year. Since I didn't know much about blogs I started off really slow because I didn't understand what I had to do. As time progressed and I looked at other peoples blogs I started to get ideas from other people. My blogs got better each time and you can see the progression from when I first started to now. The process didn’t take a long time because I caught on very quickly to what we were supposed to do with the blogs. We had a question that the teacher would give find a news article that has to do with the question, and then write about what you feel about the article and how it relates to the question. I think my best blog entry was “We can change: school segregation past, present and future” I feel that I thought carefully about this blog entry and I did a lot of research on subject before I started to write about it. First did not like blogging but now that I understand it more I actually think it is fun because you get to speak your mind and other people can learn things just by looking at your blogs.

Another project I am proud of is my H2O project. For my H2o project I decided to do a video. It took me a very long time to come to where I am today with my video, I had a lot of problems and I was struggling with it to but finally it came out good and I am very proud of my end product. What I had to do was pick a specific topic to talk about and I decided to talk about how pollution in the San Diego Bay affects the sea turtles. I got interviews from experts on the subject and I also got interviews from people who knew a little on the subject. I learned a lot working on this project, one thing I learned was never ever do a video unless you are a expert at it if you’re not then you might struggle and if you do I prefer you to use i-movie or windows movie maker, if you have not used final-cut pro a day in your life don’t use it just a little advice from someone who knows from experience. Overall I like how my final product came out and hopefully if I am forced to do a video I will be more prepared for things and it will come out better every time I use the programs.

my video is not up yet but here is a link to other peoples

Thursday, December 4, 2008

If hunting whales is wrong I dont want to be right

Is Hunting whales wrong?

Well I think it is all opinionated, my opinion is that it is wrong because I don't see why we would need to hunt them, and if it is just for a hobby then that is definitely not a good enough excuse to hunt them. In a article by Raffi Khatchadourian called Neptune's Navy it talks about an organization called Sea Shepherd Conservation Society founded by Paul Watson thirty years ago to stop boats from hunting whales. Watson's special attack is ramming his boat into another, which he says he plans on doing to the Japanese.

This in a way is wrong because you are trying to save an animal but you are putting humans in danger just because you are trying to prove a point. On the other side of the story though, Whales deserve to live and they should not have to be hunted as brutally as they being done. I think the hunters see it as a hobby which is not a good enough reason to hunt them, look at it this way some people see killing as a hobby does it make it right? No it doesn't so they shouldn't kill any animal for no reason.

In a quote on the second page, second paragraph of this article, it says

"Watson believes that whales are more intelligent than people, and their slaughter is tantamount to murder.(He once compared their extermination to the Holocaust.)"

I do agree with him on it being just the same as murder, but I do not agree that it is anything close to the Holocaust and is wrong to even compare the two. It is estimated to be around 11 million people who died in the holocaust and of those 11 million 2.5 of those were children. Dieing whales are sad, but innocent children dieing before they could even walk is even more sad, MY OPINION about comparing the holocaust to whale hunting is that isVERY LUDICROUS.

I think Paul Watson is taking it to far with the whole whale hunting to thing in the first place. He Ramming other ships people's life's endanger, is not that considered attempted murdered? maybe i don't know but if your trying to knock someone's boat over and hypethetically speaking the boat tips over killing them couldn't you go to jail for that, just for try to save whales, when if that did happen that would add to the problem of endangered whales, right.

Going back to my first question and the Question of who is wrong, the whale saver or the whale hunter, well I think both of them are wrong because killing the whales is wrong and trying to tip someone's boat over is just as bad.

(i mean i just find it funny that he is trying to tip someone's boat over lol)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What we identify ourselves as

In this article it talks about breaking the race line and not just categorizing people in one group. Marie Arana's Washington first example she used was Barack Obama. She said "He is not black," "unless the one-drop rule still applies. I do agree that Obama isn't fully black but if that's what he identify himself as than that's what matters. So I guess she is right about the right term to call him would be the first bi-racial president or in other words the first with some color.

She also use examples of people in the media like Halle Berry, Ne-Yo,Mariah Carey.... that are bi-racial and she even put in a quote by Langston Hughes, "I am not black. There are different kinds of blood in our family.But here in the United States, the word 'Negro' is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins...I am Brown. I also see myself saying I am not black I am brown sometimes as joke, I am not black I am a brown color or African American. Langston Hughes was too Biracial he was half black and Native American, and I guess what that quote means is that he identifies himself as not just black but his other race too.

Then she puts her own life experiences like when she went to take a DNA test and found she had other races in a her blood line. When she took the DNA test Indo-European, Black, East Asian, and Native American. What she said that no not fully one race that somewhere down the line you have a multiracial background. I also agree with her in saying that if trace back five or more generations that we have other cultures in are family tree, because I to have some Native American and other races that are in my family if I trace back to five generations but I would refer myself to be Native American because both of my parents are black. So I think that would only go for people who have two parents of different races.

So the question should "Isn't it time for the language to move on?" I think it depends, because if Both of your parents are one race and their parents are one race and their parents are one race then whatever race they are that is what you are. It would be different If your mother was of the Asian decent and your farther was of the Latino decent because then you would refer to yourself as the trait you look more like or you could say you are biracial.

I also think whatever is on your birth certificate then you could also refer to that. So going back to the whole article saying Obama is not the first black president, if keep going back far in generations and find we had other races in our family tree will we ever have a fully raced president?